Medical Ward

Medical Ward
St. Joseph’s Hospital medical ward serves both adults and children (6 to 18 years old) who are hospitalized to receive medicine and treatment. The current bed capacity in medical ward (by the end of April 2011) was 109 beds;
- 86 beds are in the main ward,
- 10 in private wing and 10 in children section.
Private section is meant for isolation cases and for those who demand for privacy. The staff working in medical ward has a wide variety of trainings and experiences; among other trainings the staff underwent included routine HIV counseling and testing. The ward is headed by a Registered Nurse and it has a Medical Officer attached to it plus Medical Assistants. The team works on the principle of love for humanity with respect for patients and their attendants and with honesty. The services rendered are not on political, cultural, social, or religious affiliation. Patients are given holistic services (physical, psychological, and spiritual care according to their faith) to facilitate their quick recovery.
According to the financial year (July, 2009-June, 2011), Medical ward admitted 2,940 patients with 28,911 patient days. The bed occupancy rate was 84.04% with the average length of stay of 9 days.
Malaria was recorded in the financial year to be one of the top ten diseases commonly received in medical ward; Black water fever, pud, pneumonia, asthma, anemia, ascites, liver cirrhosis, hypoglycemia, typhoid, peripheralneuropathy, gastritis, peritonitis, hepatitis E/A, nephritis syndrome, hyperpyrexia, gastritis, ruptured esophageal version, urinary tract infection, upper respiratory tract infection, septic shock, meningitis, arthritis in diabetes, leukemia andappendicitis are some of the cases commonly admitted in Medical ward. It was also noted that most of the medical cases were complication is HIV/AIDS late stage.
HIV complication rang up to 23% of the total admission in medical ward during the year The consumption of medicines, utilities, and sundries in medical ward during the above financial year was estimated at Ush. 345,000.000.
- We provide services with love and honesty in the light of Christian solidarity
- Patients are helped to realize that the hospital is a holy ground where one encounters the Creator (God) and realize the hands of God at work.
- We strive for excellence in the services we do without any discrimination
- Chronically ill patients are supported and are consoled by professional clinical pastoral care givers
- Implicit in the care delivered is the promise that confidentiality, open communication, and respect for religious and cultural beliefs will be maintained by all staff involved.
- Patients and their attendants are encouraged to participate in the process of decision making especially during critical moments.
- We gain confidence in our patients and their attendants by being reliable and professionals in the work we do.
- Patients and their attendants are provided health education on the principle of prevention is better that cure.
The ward operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Below are the categories of staff working in Medical ward.
S/No | Cadre of Medical Staff | Number of Staff |
1 | Medical Officer | 1 |
2 | Clinical Officer | 1 |
3 | Registered Nurses | 3 |
4 | Enrolled Nurses | 3 |
5 | Nursing Assistants | 8 |
6 | Cleaners | 4 |
Total | 20 |